Elementary Division
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Elementary Division of the South Carolina Music Educators Association of the Music Educators National Conference operating under their constitutional provisions.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the Elementary Division shall be:
To provide leadership and assistance for the development of the elementary music programs in the schools, colleges, and universities of South Carolina.
To establish and conduct activities which will enrich the elementary music programs in South Carolina.
To provide leadership and assistance for the Elementary Music level for the implementation of music education programs necessary to the total development of the students during these early years.
To provide opportunity for professional development for Elementary Music teachers.
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Any member of the SCMEA in good standing meets the basic qualifications for membership in the Elementary Division of SCMEA.
Section 2. An active member of the Elementary Division of SCMEA is one who is currently teaching or administering a music/choral program at the elementary school level.
Section 3. Only active members of the Elementary Division of SCMEA shall be eligible to participate in business meetings, serve in any capacity representing the division, or participate or sponsor a participant in any of the activities of the division
Section 4. Any student who participates in any activity of the Elementary Division must be an active member of a choral class or program, or enrolled in the Elementary School Music Program at his or her school.
Section 5. Retired teachers who are active members of SCMEA meets the basic qualifications for membership in the Elementary Division of SCMEA.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1. The elected officers of the Elementary Division shall consist of a president, president-elect, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Appointed officer shall be South Carolina Elementary Honors Choir Chairperson.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected biennially in odd-numbered years at the convention meeting of the SCMEA, Elementary Division, and shall serve two years. No person may serve two consecutive terms in the office of president or president-elect. Officers shall assume their duties July 1 following their election.
Section 3. Nominations for elective officers shall be presented by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the officers of the Elementary Division. Nominations shall be presented at the Fall Workshop/Inservice.
Section 4. Reasonable expenses incurred by officers shall be reimbursed with prior approval of the Executive Board.
Article V – Duties Of Officers
Section 1. The duties of the president shall be to preside at all meetings of the division, to serve as a representative on the Executive Board of SCMEA, to write an article for each issue of the MUSICIAN, to coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the division, so that its purposes may be achieved. The president shall appoint special committees as required and needed.
Section 2. The vice-president shall be the immediate past president of the organization. The vice-president shall perform duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer, shall serve as a representative on the Executive Board of SCMEA, shall aid the president in any coordinating of activities as so directed by the president, and will be responsible for maintaining the SCMEA Elementary Division website.
Section 3. The president-elect shall act as aide to the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer ONLY if the vice-president is absent or disabled. The president-elect shall succeed to the presidency at the conclusion of his/her term of office.
Section 4. The secretary shall serve as the official recorder for the division and such duties shall include:
- Keep accurate minutes of all division meetings and make a permanent copy to be filed.
- Keep an active list of members who participate in current division activities.
Section 5. The treasurer of the Elementary Division shall receive all funds so designated Elementary Division, SCMEA, such as:
- Elementary Honors Choir monies
- Fall Workshop Registration
- SCMEA contribution
- The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial records. The Executive Committee of the Elementary Division shall establish an operation budget under which the treasurer shall operate.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1. There shall be two regular business meetings of the Elementary Division each year as follows:
- The first Saturday after Labor Day in September, (Fall Workshop).
- During the SCMEA annual convention.
Section 2. Other meetings may be held when needed, provided notification has been given to the membership.
Section 3. Members present at the Elementary Division business meeting shall be the quorum and make decisions for the entire division. Members not present will have access to the minutes and treasurer’s report.
Article VII – Committees
Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Elementary Division shall be:
- South Carolina Elementary Honors Choir Committee.
Section 2. The chairman and members of committee.
- The chairman shall appoint regional chairmen as members of the committee.
Section 3. Duties of Committees.
Honors Choir Committee Organize the Honors Choir.
- Arrange audition site and judges.
- Select the audition number and sight-reading material.
- Select the clinician for the Choir weekend from recommendations of the membership.
- Select music for the Choir with clinician’s approval and suggestions.
- Receive audition forms and fees, sending fees to the treasurer as collected.
- Schedule and mail to directors the audition schedule.
- Work with the president in plans for the Fall Workshop and Choir weekend.
- Work with the president in providing written records of all materials, activities, and plans in preparation for the handbook.
Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. Parliamentary authority shall be the rules contained in Robert’s Rules Of Order, and shall govern the division in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Elementary Division.
Section 2. The president shall appoint, and employ if necessary, a qualified parliamentarian to advise on any rules of order in the meetings held.
Article IX – Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a vote of majority members present at a regular meeting, provided that the amendment has been proposed in writing, posted on the website and read at a division meeting prior to the vote. 1