A Note From Ellen Weaver – State Superintendent of Education

August 19, 2023 |

Tom Finigan, Rosetta Dingle, Ellen Weaver, Colleen Marcou, Patrick Casey, Roger Simpson

From the time I learned to play piano as a small child to the moment I still step into the choir loft each Sunday morning, music has filled my spirit with joy and my life with unparalleled learning opportunities. Music is a deeply personal and formative educator: the skill it takes to accompany a soloist and let them shine that teaches both patience and humbleness. The collaboration it takes to harmonize and blend in skilled ensemble playing and singing teaches the value of community. The tenacity a musician must develop to push themself to hone their craft with excellence teaches grit and patience. Music is the universal language that unites us across cultures, backgrounds, and giftings. Access to music education is a life-changing opportunity, and I am committed to advocate for every South Carolina student to be afforded this soul-enhancing gift.

-Ellen E. Weaver, State Superintendent of Education