Honor Administrator Award

South Carolina Music Educators Association

Online Application Deadline: November 10, 2023

Honor Administrator Award Nomination Form

The Council of Former Presidents of the South Carolina Music Educators Association will annually recommend to the Executive Board one or more candidates for the Honor Administrator Award. The Honor Administrator will be recognized at the SCMEA Professional Development conference in February. Any member of SCMEA may place the name of an administrator in nomination.

The Executive Board of SCMEA voted at the April 25, 1987 meeting to change the award given annually to an Honor Superintendent to an award given to an Honor Administrator. This may be a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, assistant principal, or any other administrator in a public or private PK-12 school system. The award recipient may also be a college administrator. This might be the president of the school or an academic or college dean. Fine Arts Consultants, Fine Arts Coordinators, music department chairs and deans of college/university schools of music should not be nominated for this award.

The Nomination Should Include:
1. A letter of endorsement by the President or a former President of SCMEA.
2. A letter of endorsement by a Division President or a former Division President. It is suggested that each Division President or former Division President endorse only one candidate.

Statements of Nomination Should Include:
1. Name, college or school district, address, home and business telephone number, email and a recent photograph.
2. Biographical sketch.
3. Reasons for nomination and evidence of qualifications of nominee (may be news articles, statistical data, etc.)
4. Personal philosophy of the nominee regarding the importance of the fine arts in education, especially music.
5. Record of musical development and /or musical accomplishments of performing groups in nominee’s district, school or college.

Criteria for Selecting Honor Administrator:

A PK-12 administrator selected for this award should actively support the arts, especially music by financial assistance with programs in local schools. A college administrator should actively support the arts, especially music by financial assistance with programs, cultural events and tours by performing groups.

All administrators should:
1. Support programs by attendance at concerts.
2. Have been an administrator for at least five years in South Carolina.
3. Should have taken a state-wide or community-wide stance on the importance of the arts.
4. Should show evidence of the growth of the music curriculum in the district, school, or college during the administrator’s term of office.

The recipient of this award will be chosen by a committee appointed by the President with the Immediate Past-President as chair. The recipient will be notified no later than January 15th. The award will be presented at
the annual SCMEA Professional Development Conference at a time selected by the President and the Conference Committee. The award will consist of a plaque. The SCMEA Public Relations Chair will publicize the award.